Unleash the Power of Trendy Roof Transformations

At Roof Now, we’re committed to staying ahead of the curve when it comes to innovative roofing trends. From sleek and modern designs to eco-friendly solutions, our experts are here to guide you through the latest roofing trends that will elevate your home’s curb appeal and functionality.

New Roof Installation

  • Cool Roofs: Reflective coatings that reduce energy costs and combat urban heat islands.
  • Solar Roof Tiles: Seamlessly integrate solar panels into your roof for a sustainable and cost-effective solution.
  • Synthetic Roofing Materials: Durable, lightweight, and low-maintenance alternatives to traditional roofing materials.

Roofing Services

  • Drone Inspections: Leveraging cutting-edge technology for comprehensive roof assessments.
  • Eco-Friendly Roof Coatings: Extending the life of your roof while reducing your environmental footprint.
  • Smart Roof Monitoring Systems: Real-time data and analytics for proactive maintenance and repairs.

Roof Remodeling

Unlock the full potential of your home with our trendy roof remodeling solutions:

  • Rooftop Decks and Gardens: Transforming underutilized spaces into outdoor living oases.
  • Skylight Installations: Bringing natural light and ventilation into your living spaces.
  • Architectural Roof Accents: Adding character and personality to your home’s exterior.

At Roof Now, we’re dedicated to providing the residents of Jacksonville, FL, Arlington, FL, Southside Estates, FL, St. Johns, FL, Avondale, FL, and East Arlington, FL with cutting-edge roofing solutions that not only protect their homes but also enhance their aesthetic appeal and overall value.